Ski Magnet

by Skiira


59.99 usd

Skiira Oy develops dedicated mobile solution for the cross-country, biathlon, ski orienteering and nordic combined skiers.First release of Ski Magnet application contains two main features:- Basic Glide Test- Ski databaseBasic Glide Test helps you to find fastest skis and test your waxes and waxing methods. Glide time is measured between two strong magnets. Time measurement is started/stopped when magnet is detected by Ski Magnet on the mobile phone. Glide testing is easy and can be made also on locations where traditional glide length testing is difficult. Magnets need to be bought separately from the hardware store.Test process shortly:1. Two strong (welding) magnets are placed over the snow on slope. 2. Basic Glide Test is started on mobile phone and phone is adjusted to the ankle by using armband.3. Glide happens besides two magnets. Magnet detections starts and stops time measurement.4. Glide time (seconds and milliseconds) is visible on the phone and optionally in the Android smartwatch. Also measured magnet field indicator is visible inside the parenthesis().Recommendation for welding magnet is about the 90 mm (50 LB) size, but also the 75 mm (25 LB) may work depending on the mobile phone. Two metal flat hand file (about 200 mm) without handles are usefully when magnets are placed over the snow.Glide start should happen more than 2 m before first magnet, so that detected magnet pulse is short. Suitable distance between mobile phone and magnet is less than 15 cm during gliding, but distance depends on magnet strength and mobile phone sensor sensitivity. Maximum measured time between magnets is 60 seconds. Test continuous automatically, so next glides can happen sequentially without stopping test between.Ski database:Save information about your skis to the database. You can add basic information and update or delete data later if needed by opening ski item on the Skis list view.Your comments and feedbacks are most welcome to our Facebook page a great sliding skis!